星期二, 3月 15, 2016

更多的水晶塔!全本台詞 (中英對照)

Additional Pylons! Full Scripts (Taiwanese / English)
 ▲ Michael Rogan, "How to Write a Script With Dialogue That Doesn't Suck", Amazon Digital Services, 2013
I know, I know. It’d been awhile since my last update. But words are words. I have to post.

  從踏出科技公司穩定的舒適圈到現在已經要三年了 Σ(゚Д゚ 在這之中,我結了婚、參加地圖製作比賽、當了一陣子講師、進到第一線的遊戲公司、參與的遊戲上了線、和幾個朋友組了一個小工作室 …… 這三年對我來說,就像是某種奇幻旅程:走得時候荊棘遍地、過關斬將,回想起來時又酸酸甜甜、充滿回憶。
  回到正題,接下來的部份就是《更多的水晶塔!》的全本台詞了,英文在第一頁,中文在第二頁。因為編輯鎖定的關係 (防止遭到意外竄改),如果您發現有任何中翻英不太通順、需要校正的地方,請直接在本文章後留言告訴我。謝謝 ^_^
This is the third year since I left my comfort zone. I married, signed up a map contest, became a lecturer, joined a AA game company, released a title, built a small studio with friends …… It’s like a amazing trip - harsh and bitter when you went through, but sweet and sugary when you recall it.
Back to business. The following spreadsheet is the full scripts of Additional Pylons!. First page is in English and the second page is in Taiwanese. I lock the authority to 'view only' to prevent accidentally modify. If you found any misspelling or grammar error, please leave a comment below in this post. Thank you :)
2016.Mar.15 Update:
目前遊戲在《虛空之遺》中,會遇到攝影機 / 物件未正確重生的問題 ...... 這個可能要等我有空 (沒準幾個月之後吧) 才能修正了。當然如果有夠多人來反映,我就會早點去修 ..... orz
I've noticed that camera and units may not respawn correctly in current StarCraft II client ...... It will be fixed until I am available, maybe few months later ...... orz


1 則留言:

  1. 您好我有SC2自製地圖的問題想請教您....方便你與我聯繫嗎? LINE: alan088


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